* 10.04am: Buy SATYAMCOMP Strictly above 476 SL 470 TGT 481/485 (Bangs)
* 10.08am: Buy Nifty Fut Strictly above 4065 SL 4025 TGT 4085/4110/4140 (SLT)
* 10.09am: Buy BANKNIFTY Fut Strictly above 5100 SL 5050 TGT 5155/5200 (Bangs)
* 10.12am: Buy CNXIT Fut Strictly above 4120 SL 4070 TGT 4170/4200 (NOE)
* 10.14am: Buy GAIL Strictly above 323 SL 318 TGT 328/331 (Bangs)
* 10.27am: Buy STER Fut Strictly above 662 SL 655 TGT 671/675 (NOE)
* 10.31am: Buy RELINFRA Strictly above 839 SL 820 TGT 860/867 (SLT)
* 10.42am: Buy ABAN Fut Strictly above 2720 SL 2628 TGT 2800/2850 (SLT)
* 10.47am: Short RELCAPITAL Strictly below 1035 SL 1060 TGT 1011/1000 (RP)
* 10.53am: Buy JPASSOCIAT Strictly above 166 SL 161 TGT 170/172 (NOE)
* 10.55am: Buy AIRDECCAN Fut Strictly above 63.50 SL 61.70 TGT 65/66 (Bangs)
* 11.02am: Short Nifty Fut Strictly Below 4040 SL 4063 TGT 4018 /4000(Bangs)
* 11.09am: Short EDUCOMP Strictly Below 2735 SL 2800 TGT 2712/2680 (SLT)
* 11.35am: Buy ONGC Strictly Above 910 SL 890 TGT 920/928 (RP)
* 11.46am: Short SIEMENS Fut Strictly Below 458 SL 467 TGT 446/440 (Bangs)
* 11.49am: Buy MCDOWELL-N Strictly Above 1136 SL 1120 TGT 1158/1168 (RP)
* 11.58am: Buy JETAIRWAYS Fut Strictly Above 353 SL 340 TGT 365/370 (RP)
* 12.08pm: Short TATAPOWER Strictly below 1080 SL 1097 TGT 1055/1050(Bangs)
* 12.55pm: Buy HDIL Fut Strictly above 435 SL 423 TGT 445/460 (RP)
* 02.52pm: Short IOB Strictly below 81.90 SL 82.20 TGT 78.30/76.50 (Bangs)


The suggestions made herein are for information purposes and are not recommendations to any person to buy or sell any securities. The information is derived from various sources that are deemed to be reliable but its accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed.Our blog does not accept any liability for the use of this column. Readers of this column who buy or sell securities based on the information in this column are solely responsible for their actions. And we won't be liable or responsible for any legal or financial losses made by anyone .Any surfing and reading of the information available in this blog is the acceptance of this disclaimer.