Market/Finance/Economy/Stock News Alert: 12.03.2009

* Inflation at 2.43%, inflation lowest since June 2002
* Jan IIP at -0.5% Vs -0.6%(MoM) Vs 6.18%(YoY)
* Bharti Airtel CEO sells entire holding in firm
* Reliance resumes crude oil production from KG-D6
* Aurobindo gets tentative nod for anti-HIV drug
* TCS signs long term deal with Infineon Technologies
* Nagarjuna Cons gets orders worth Rs 263 cr
* Mukesh, Mittal lead Indian businessmen in Forbes' list
* IDBI to recruit 2,000 officers in 6 months
* Japanese Economy Shrinks 12.1% in Q4
(Further Details & More News Click Here: )


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