Intraday Stocks - 16.06.2008.

* 10.10am: Buy Nifty Fut Strictly above 4601 SL 4574 TGT 4625/4630 (SLT)
* 10.15am: Buy INFOSYSTCH Strictly above 1936 SL 1910 TGT 1960/1965 (SLT)
* 10.21am: Buy NAGARFERT Strictly above 48.60 SL 47.50 TGT 49.50/51 (Bangs)
* 10.32am: Buy HDIL Fut Strictly above 597.50 SL 590 TGT 605/607 (Bangs)
* 10.34am: Buy INDIAINFO Fut Strictly above 646 SL 637 TGT 656/659 (NOE)
* 10.34am: Buy EDUCOMP Strictly above 3562 SL 3516 TGT 3595/3620/3650 (RP)
* 10.43am: Buy SUNPHARMA Fut Strictly above 1500 SL 1484 TGT 1515/1525 (SLT)
* 10.49am: Buy ROLTA Strictly above 309 SL 304 TGT 313/318 (NOE)
* 10.51am: Buy UNITECH Strictly above 196.50 SL 192 TGT 199/202 (Bangs)
* 10.53am: Buy TATASTEEL Strictly above 859 SL 853 TGT 865/875 (Bangs)
* 11.11am: Buy BHARTIARTL Strictly above 850.50 SL 837 TGT 865/869 (NOE)
* 11.53am: Short RELCAPITAL Strictly below 1137 SL 1153 TGT 1125/1098 (Bangs)
* 11.58am: Buy CROMPGREAV Fut Strictly above 265 SL 259 TGT 269/271 (Bangs)
* 12.26pm: Short RCOM Strictly below 534 SL 540 TGT 531/528 (Bangs)
* 01.16pm: Buy ADLABSFILM Strictly above 573 SL 566 TGT 580/582 (RP)
* 01.34pm: Buy BAJAJHIND Strictly above 181 SL 176 TGT 185/190 (NOE)
* 02.00pm: Short Nifty Fut Strictly below 4554 SL 4575 TGT 4537/4510 (RP)
* 02.11pm: Buy CAIRN Fut Strictly above 280 SL 277 TGT 282/285 (Bangs)
* 03.01pm: Buy MCDOWELL-N Strictly above 1295 SL 1275 TGT 1305/1310 (RP)
(BANGS: Achieved; SLT: Stoploss Triggered; NOE: No Entry; RP: Reasonable Profit)


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