Intraday Stocks 18.06.2008

* 10.05am: Short Nifty Fut Strictly below 4626 SL 4646 TGT 4610/4585 (RP)
* 10.09am: Buy HINDOILEXP Strictly above 135.50 SL 133 TGT 138/140 (Bangs)
* 10.15am: Buy STER Fut Strictly above 806 SL 796 TGT 811/820 (RP)
* 10.18am: Short BANKNIFTY Fut Strictly above 6350 SL 6401 TGT 6328/6300/6258 (Bangs)
* 10.28am: Short SUZLON Strictly below 255 SL 257.50 TGT 251/249 (Bangs)
* 10.35am: Buy BAJAJHIND Strictly above 187 SL 184 TGT 189/191 (NOE)
* 10.45am: Buy RANBAXY Fut Strictly above 599 SL 593 TGT 604/610 (Bangs)
* 10.53am: Buy CENTURYTEX Strictly above 633.50 SL 624 TGT 639/643 (RP)
* 11.14am: Buy BPCL Strictly above 288.20 SL 284 TGT 294/302 (NOE)
* 11.41am: Short ABAN Fut Strictly below 3785 SL 3836 TGT 3765/3703 (Bangs)
* 12.05pm: Short NDTV Strictly below 462 SL 472 TGT 453/446 (Bangs)
* 12.10pm: Buy BOMDYEING Strictly above 783 SL 770 TGT 788/798 (NOE)
* 02.08pm: Buy Nifty Fut Strictly above 4588 SL 4570 TGT 4595/4610 (RP)
* 02.10pm: Buy BHEL Fut Strictly above 1515 SL 1501 TGT 1530/1540 (SLT)
* 02.12pm: Buy UNITECH Strictly above 202.50 SL 200 TGT 204/206.50 (RP)
(BANGS: Achieved; SLT: Stoploss Triggered; NOE: No Entry; RP: Reasonable Profit)


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