Intraday Stocks 19.06.2008

* 10.03am: Buy TATASTEEL Strictly above 822 SL 815 TGT 830/835 (Bangs)
* 10.10am: Buy NATIONALUM Strictly above 462 SL 456 TGT 465/472 (Bangs)
* 10.15am: Buy Nifty Fut Strictly above 4515 SL 4500 TGT 4525/4540 (RP)
* 10.19am: Buy RELCAPITAL Strictly above 1135 SL 1115 TGT 1145/1165 (NOE)
* 10.22am: Buy ZEEL Strictly above 245 SL 242 TGT 249/252 (RP)
* 10.29am: Buy HCLTECH Strictly above 279.50 SL 276 TGT 282/285 (Bangs)
* 10.43am: Buy HINDOILEXP Strictly above 132.50 SL 130 TGT 134.50/138 (Bangs)
* 10.53am: Short BANKNIFTY Strictly below 5985 SL 6070 TGT 5915/5880 (Bangs)
* 10.56am: Buy TATAPOWER Strictly above 1274 SL 1260 TGT 1282/1300 (SLT)
* 11.00am: Buy M&M Strictly above 570 SL 563 TGT 575/581 (Bangs)
* 11.02am: Buy SATYAMCOMP Strictly above 472 SL 466 TGT 475/480 (Bangs)
* 11.10am: Buy LITL Fut Strictly above 401.50 SL 396 TGT 406/410/415 (NOE)
* 11.13am: Buy CNXIT Fut Strictly above 4328 SL 4245 TGT 4400/44410 (NOE)
* 12.32pm: Buy UNITECH Strictly above 193 SL 191 TGT 194/195.5/197 (NOE)
* 12.58pm: Buy MARUTI Strictly above 752 SL 744 TGT 760/762 (Bangs)
* 01.01pm: Buy ITC Strictly above 206 SL 203 TGT209/211 (SLT)

(BANGS: Achieved; SLT: Stoploss Triggered; NOE: No Entry; RP: Reasonable Profit)


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