Intraday Calls: 01.07.2008

* 10.06am: Buy GRASIM Fut Strictly above 1826 SL 1809 TGT 1849/1865 (Bangs)
* 10.28am: Short Nifty Fut Strictly below 3940 SL 3960 TGT 3920/3915 (Bangs)
* 10.31am: Short STER Fut Strictly below 680 SL 689 TGT 669/659 (SLT)
* 10.34am: Buy CENTURYTEX Strictly above 515 SL 500 TGT 525/540 (RP)
* 10.38am: Buy Nifty Fut Strictly above 4015 SL 3980 TGT 4040/4060 (RP)
* 10.41am: Buy GAIL Strictly above 338 SL 333 TGT 344/350 (RP)
* 10.44am: Buy RELCAPITAL Strictly above 932 SL 916 TGT 950/955 (SLT)
* 11.00am: Buy TATASTEEL Strictly above 740 SL 732 TGT 748/755 (RP)
* 11.05am: Buy LT Strictly above 2231 SL 2202 TGT 2282/2310 (NOE)
* 11.07am: Buy SBIN Strictly above 1130 SL 1120 TGT 1143/1153 (SLT)
* 11.10am: Short TATAMOTOR Strictly below 413 SL 420 TGT 408/400 (RP)


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