Intraday Stock Tips (Keep Refresh): 13.08.2008

* 10.08am: Buy Nifty Fut Strictly above 4533 SL 4515 TGT 4548/4570 (Bangs)
* 10.11am: Buy BOMDYEING Strictly above 629 SL 623 TGT 634/642 (Bangs)
* 10.11am: Buy RELCAPITAL Strictly above 1419 SL 1397 TGT 1440/1450 (Bangs)
* 10.17am: Short BANKBARODA Strictly below 274.50 SL 279 TGT 268/262 (RP)
* 10.21am: Buy BHEL Fut Strictly above 1818 SL 1801 TGT 1835/1855 (RP)
* 10.24am: Buy HEROHONDA Strictly above 819 SL 815 TGT 824/829 (Bangs)
* 10.27am: Buy STER Fut Strictly above 616 SL 607 TGT 628/640 (NOE)
* 10.29am: Buy LT Strictly above 2865 SL 2830 TGT 2895/2910 (SLT)
* 10.44am: Buy AXISBANK Fut Strictly above 726 SL 713 TGT 738/745 (RP)
* 10.45am: Buy ABB Fut Strictly above 881 SL 871 TGT 890/898 (Bangs)
* 10.49am: Buy SBIN Strictly above 1575 SL 1550 TGT 1605/1624 (SLT)
* 10.59am: Buy UNITECH Strictly above 181.50 SL 178 TGT 184/187 (Bangs)
* 11.20am: Buy IBREALEST Strictly above 372 SL 361 TGT 385/390 (Bangs)
* 11.34am: Buy TATACOMM Strictly above 444 SL 440 TGT 449/454 (Bangs)
* 12.08pm: Buy RELIANCE Strictly above 2365 SL 2344 TGT 2395/2420 (SLT)
(Bangs: Achieved; RP: Reasonable Profit; SLT: Stop Loss Trigger; NOE: NO Entry)


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