Intraday Tips (Keep Refresh): 26.11.2008

* 10.01am: Buy BHARTIARTL cmp 642 SL 633 TGT 648/655 (RP)
* 10.12am: Short RELINFRA Strictly below 499 SL 509 TGT 493/486 (Bangs)
* 10.18am: Short TITAN Strictly below 867 SL 877 TGT 854/850 (SLT)
* 10.21am: Short TATAPOWER Strictly below 650 SL 660 TGT 641/632 (Bangs)
* 11.14am: Buy ONGC Strictly above 700 SL 690 TGT 709/715 (RP)
* 01.19pm: Buy HDFCBANK cmp 873 SL 854 TGT 885/890 (Bangs)
* 01.20pm: Buy ICICIBANK Strictly above 337 SL 330 TGT 343/345 (Bangs)


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