Intraday Tips (Keep Refresh): 16.12.2008

* 10.02am: Buy SIEMENS Fut strictly above 272 SL 267 TGT 275/280 (Bangs)
* 10.03am: Buy ACC Strictly above 525 SL 514 TGT 532/536 (Bangs)
* 10.06am: Buy TCS Strictly above 478 SL 472 TGT 483/488 (Bangs)
* 10.10am: Buy TATAPOWER Strictly above 741 SL 734 TGT 750/757 (Bangs)
* 10.19am: Buy RANBAXY Strictly above 221 SL 217 TGT 224/226 (Bangs)
* 10.27am: Buy SBIN Strictly above 1231 SL 1217 TGT 1250/1255 (RP)
* 10.41am: Buy ONGC Strictly above 684.50 SL 676 TGT 691/695 (Bangs)
* 10.46am: Buy ROLTA cmp 141.50 SL 137 TGT 145/147 (SLT)
* 10.50am: Buy ABAN Fut Strictly above 840 SL 820 TGT 860/866 (NOE)
* 10.55am: Buy JINDALSTEL Fut Strictly above 933 SL 918 TGT 948/952 (Bangs)
* 11.21am: Buy BHEL Strictly above 1403 SL 1380 TGT 1420/1440 (RP)
* 11.24am: Buy HDFCBANK Strictly above 952 SL 943 TGT 958/961 (Bangs)
* 11.33am: Buy HEROHONDA Strictly above 806 SL 795 TGT 817/824 (RP)
* 11.43am: Buy MCDOWELL-N Strictly above 935 SL 917 TGT 948/954 (Bangs)
* 12.01pm: Buy INFOSYSTCH cmp 1131 SL 1118 TGT 1150/1159 (SLT)
* 12.13pm: Buy ICICIBANK Strictly above 423 SL 417 TGT 428/430 (Bangs)
(Keep strict stoploss (SL) to avoid huge loss)


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