INTRADAY STOCKS : 28.05.2008

1. 10.09am: Buy Nifty Fut Strictly above 4859 SL 4844 TGT 4869/4885 (Bangs)
2. 10.27am: Buy BHARTIARTL Strictly above 880 SL 865 TGT 895/900 (Bangs)
3. 10.29am: Buy INDIACEM Strictly above 164 SL 159.50 TGT 167/169 (NOE)
4. 10.32am: Buy LITL Strictly above 494 SL 487 TGT 502/505 (Bangs)
5. 10.56am: Buy GAIL Strictly above 393 SL 389 TGT 396/399 (Bangs)
6. 10.59am: Buy AXISBANK Strictly above 771 SL 758 TGT 780/789 (Bangs)
7. 11.01am: Buy BAJAJHIND cmp 198 SL 191 TGT 201/205/210 (Bangs)
8. 11.07am: Buy STER Strictly above 900.80 SL 892.65 TGT 909/923 (Bangs)
9. 11.17am: Buy APTECHT Strictly above 231 SL 227.50 TGT 234/235 (Bangs)
10. 11.24am: Short TATACHEM Fut cmp 400 SL 405 TGT 395/392 (Bangs)
11. 11.27am: Buy ITC Strictly above 215 SL 211 TGT 218/219 (Bangs)
12. 12.12pm: Buy PANTALOONR Strictly above 459 SL 452 TGT 469/475 (NOE)
13. 2.45pm: TATASTEEL Strictly above 887 SL 880 TGT 891/900 (Bangs)
14. 3.12pm: Buy RELCAPITAL Strictly above 1261 SL 1250 TGT 1274/1293 (NOE)
(BANGS : Achieved; SLT : Stoploss Triggered; NOE : No Entry)


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