Rupee Desk - Free Currency Jobbing Calls For Brokers: 31.10.2012

BUY GBPINR SA 87.50 SL 87.45 TGT 87.54 (AVOID)
SHORT EURINR SB 70.35 SL 70.40 TGT 70.31
SHORT GBPINR SB 87.31 SL 87.35 TGT 87.28
SHORT JPYINR SB 68.17 SL 68.22 TGT 68.13
Note : FREE CALLS IS DIFFERENT FROM OUR PAID CALLS, FOR PAID CALLS CONTACT: 9094047040, We are not suggesting to trade with our free calls always, Because we cannot assure the success rate for all our free calls. Kindly subscribe our paid package.


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